I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Post 3 SLJ
Hello again welcome to another SLJ post. This one is a hard maths problem about cacti.๐ However it does take some thinking. Please enjoy.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Summer Learning Journey
Hello Fellow bloggers and welcome to the third post of my Summer Learning Journey. This post asks how to make a digital footprint on your blog and how to stay safe online.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
My hometown
Hello fellow bloggers and welcome back to post two on my Summer Learning Journey. This post is on what my hometown is like. You'll find out in this post.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Summer Learning Journey post 1
This is my first post on the summer learning journey! These are three fun facts about New Zealand.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Room five had a camp at Waiuta. Once we got back we made a slideshow (which then became a screencastify) on what we did. Here is Sophie's and my screencastify about Waiuta.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Little House On The Prairie
In class we have been reading a book called Little House On The Prairie. There were multiple different tasks we could do. We chose to do an SMA on how the story went. We had a few problems along the way, one of them was that we didn't add much dialogue so we had to make a whole slide on the plot. There might be a sequel so keep your eyes peeled. Here is number one!
We have been learning about plurals. We had to make a DLO about plurals and give some examples. We had to explain different endings. Here it is.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Blake, Jackson and I made an enlarging slideshow. We had to explain how to enlarge shapes by a factor of two. We made examples of how we enlarge them with a few different shapes. Here is the slideshow!
Reading Profile
Isabel, Fred and I did a Reading profile. We had to say a book I recently enjoyed, what our favourite author and series is at the moment, an author I tried and enjoyed, a book someone suggested to me, how I went with my last term reading goals, this terms reading goal. Here is the answer to all of those facts.
Pet Day
A few weeks ago we had pet day. We had to make pet projects with three pieces of writing: persuasive writing, descriptive writing and how we look after our pets. When pet day had finished we pasted our writing onto a slide show which we then put on our blogs. Here is my writing.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
On Thursday we decorated chairs by cutting out pictures from magazines. We had to choose a theme (my group's theme was nature/ flowers) and then stick magazine pictures onto the chairs with Modgepodge glue until we couldn't see any wood. We decorated these chairs because they were just lying around in the garage gathering dust. I worked well with my group because we all rotated jobs from time to time. I think our chair ended out rather well because the different colours of the flowers made it look fantastic. Next time I think we should put the different colours in lines like the rainbow. This is the one my group decorated.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Holiday Sentence
In the holiday we were asked to find a sentence in a book that describes the feeling of one of the characters. My sentence is from the book Inkheart. Here is my sentence.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
We were learning about plastic and how it kills the sea environment. We made a collage with ripped up pieces from OLD magazines! We drew our animals and then we had a choice of painting or using some pastels to colour our animals. I found that sticking the animals on our collage was hard and also starting off on putting the ripped magazines on.
On our collage we have stuck on a humpback whale, a tropical basking fish, a crayfish, a dolphin and two penguins. The colours that we used for the humpback whale were blue and black, the colour we used for the crayfish was orange,the colours we used for the tropical basking fish were yellow, orange, black, red, blue and green. The colours for the dolphin were light blue, dark blue and also black.
Our contents were the beach, the ocean and the sky. We also had an island, a cliff with a water, a sun and mountains. I think it was not hard but took a big period of time to get it finished. I liked making the collage and thought it was fun and also I liked how we had to collaborate in groups.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Bin liners
We have been learning to persuade. We were trying to persuade our school principal to stop using bin liners because we use 2000 a year! We had to use present tense instead of using past tense words like was and were. Here is my persuasive writing, hope it will get you to get rid of bin liners.
In every classroom in our school there are plastic bin liners and we’re just using too many. Do we really need bin liners? I strongly believe that we do not need bin liners. There are three good reasons why I believe that we do not need bin liners.
Firstly, we did the maths, and we use 2000 plastic bags in a year! If we stop using plastic bags then we might be able to use less plastic. Well, we all know the plastic problem, plastic is taking over the Earth, and if we stop using plastic bin liners then we will be able to save our planet for a little bit longer. We use 10 plastic bags a day, we use 50 plastic bin liners a week, 500 a term and 2,000 a year!
Secondly,we don’t really need bin liners because all the rubbish that goes in is dry. Most of the rubbish we use is paper (which is dry) or small pieces of plastic like glad wrap. Well, my point is that most of the rubbish that goes into the bin is dry! Why do we need a bin liner if everything is dry? What is the point of a bin liner? We don’t have a use for bin liners except to waste money, it costs so much money to buy all these bin liners.
Lastly, plastic bin liners cause pollution. It will kill sea life, animals that walk on land (including us) and the animals that roam the skies. We are just helping humanity turn our planet into a trash heap. We need to stop using plastic bin liners, because do they really do anything good? Just think about it, 2,000 plastic bin liners in just a year! When we put up posters or signs then we are protesting against what were doing.
In conclusion, we use 2000 plastic bags a year, we don’t really need them because everything that goes in is dry, and still the most important thing of all is that it causes pollution. So please stop letting others use bin liners at this school.
bin liners
In every classroom in our school there are plastic bin liners and we’re just using too many. Do we really need bin liners? I strongly believe that we do not need bin liners. There are three good reasons why I believe that we do not need bin liners.
Firstly, we did the maths, and we use 2000 plastic bags in a year! If we stop using plastic bags then we might be able to use less plastic. Well, we all know the plastic problem, plastic is taking over the Earth, and if we stop using plastic bin liners then we will be able to save our planet for a little bit longer. We use 10 plastic bags a day, we use 50 plastic bin liners a week, 500 a term and 2,000 a year!
Secondly,we don’t really need bin liners because all the rubbish that goes in is dry. Most of the rubbish we use is paper (which is dry) or small pieces of plastic like glad wrap. Well, my point is that most of the rubbish that goes into the bin is dry! Why do we need a bin liner if everything is dry? What is the point of a bin liner? We don’t have a use for bin liners except to waste money, it costs so much money to buy all these bin liners.
Lastly, plastic bin liners cause pollution. It will kill sea life, animals that walk on land (including us) and the animals that roam the skies. We are just helping humanity turn our planet into a trash heap. We need to stop using plastic bin liners, because do they really do anything good? Just think about it, 2,000 plastic bin liners in just a year! When we put up posters or signs then we are protesting against what were doing.
In conclusion, we use 2000 plastic bags a year, we don’t really need them because everything that goes in is dry, and still the most important thing of all is that it causes pollution. So please stop letting others use bin liners at this school.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Serpent Stop Motion Animation 3
A while ago I posted number one and two of The Serpent stop motion animation, and now I'm back for number three! For the next time I think I should add more dialogue and make the main character walk into the distance instead of just walking across the screen. Here is number three, hope you like this series of stop motion animations.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Maths dlo
We have been learning to use double number lines. We made a math's slideshow with three problems that we had to figure out using a double number line. Double number lines are a great way to solve problems for me because I seem to find this all rather easy. I made a slideshow with Blake, here it is.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
El Gregoe
On Tuesday El Gregoe the magician came to our school. He told us about bullying, and how to react to it. He told us that we should treat others how we want to be treated. My favourite topic was when he made tropical birds come out of thin air. Here are some pictures of El Greogoe.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Little House on the Prairie
We have been reading a book called Little House on the Prairie. We had the option to choose what we would like to do out of a lot of choices. Tane, Blake and I chose to explain three facts about our chose animal that lives on the prairie. Here is our slideshow.
We have been working on two dimensional shapes. We had to do a Screencastify explaining what our chosen two dimensiona shapes were all about. We chose square, rhombus and rectangle.Here is Lochie's and my Screencastify.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Plastic Bottle Mountain
We are learning to describe. We were given a photo of a gigantic pile of bottles. We had to describe what it would be like if we were one of the few people cleaning up the bottles. We had to make sure we were using present tense, using senses including: sights, sound, taste, smells, feeling, sensations. Still we had to make sure we extended our sentences to add more detail. Here is my writing and the picture.
I look around the mountain of plastic and feel pressured into cleaning up the bottles because our family needs the money. My sister is stumbling around the garbage patch as I pick up a rather large bottle and put in the basket. My mother is cutting off the labels of of the hundreds of bottles. I start to stand up to go to another area of bottle mayhem. I can hear people strolling by behind me but no one is stopping to help. Gigantic plastic bags are perched behind me and I feel like they are about to topple onto me. There is something like a bike behind the bags, but it looks like it only has one wheel. There is a old bridge overhead with old clothes and chains hanging from it. I feel like the rusty chains are about to fall on me trapping me next to the worst smelling bottles ever.
As I look around I feel outraged that people just threw their plastic bottles out the window of their car when they don’t want anymore. Still, even worse, they leave us to clean it up. Does humanity even care about the world? Now I know why people are going into space they're trying to find a new planet because they trashed this one.
Reader, even you can help change our plastic problem. The problem is all the people who want to save our planet are just a one man army, but if we combine we can make a difference. If we don’t do something soon then our planet will become known as the big ball of plastic. Next we would all be baked from global warming and then all life on earth will become extinct.
Plastic Bottle Mountain
As I look around I feel outraged that people just threw their plastic bottles out the window of their car when they don’t want anymore. Still, even worse, they leave us to clean it up. Does humanity even care about the world? Now I know why people are going into space they're trying to find a new planet because they trashed this one.
Reader, even you can help change our plastic problem. The problem is all the people who want to save our planet are just a one man army, but if we combine we can make a difference. If we don’t do something soon then our planet will become known as the big ball of plastic. Next we would all be baked from global warming and then all life on earth will become extinct.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Jenny Sommervell
On Tuesday Jenny Sommervell came to our school! She is the author of: The Day Dad Blew Up The Cow Shed, The New Old Truck and: Eel Hunt. Here is a photo of us with Jenny Sommervell.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
The Plastic Toy Shop
We are learning to describe. We had to describe a picture of a toy shop with plastic all over the shelves. We had to act like we were there at the time describing what we saw and felt. I think I still need to work on my present tense instead off past tense. We had to describe what we smelt, what we saw and all the other sensations. Here is mine.
Plastic Toy Shop
Colours lash out at me as I stroll into the toy shop where there are tons of toy weapons and cartoon characters posing all over the shelves. In the toy shop there are all kinds of plastic toys: plastic planes, plastic guns, plastic land animals, plastic sea animals, plastic cars, plastic motorbikes and much, much more! The luminous colours swarm around me as I scan the shelves for something interesting I would like to buy.
The bright neon toys jump out at me as I stare at the shelves feeling like they’re all about to fall onto me making me tumble to the ground. I am amazed by the shop of complete plastic, while my mind is being flooded with colourful toys. I feel like I’m drowning in a gigantic ocean of plastic figures stocked on the shelves. All the toys seem to be staring at me as I gape at the rainbow filled shelves. The shelves are cluttered just like my brain as I enter the toy stuffed store. The fluorescent store is filled with exotic colours everywhere. I am surrounded by small plastic toys, so many that there could be thousands.
I smell the plastic rubber everywhere. As I stroll in different areas of the shop I smell something different every time.
I can hear typing of the computer keys every 0.6 seconds. As I look at the shelves I can still hear the keys typing. “So irritating,” I think to myself “Is she trying to annoy everyone?” I ask myself. “You know what? I’m outta here,” I whisper. I never really liked plastic anyway.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
The Line Of Symmetry
We have been learning where the line of symmetry is. We had to create shapes with the line of symmetry down the middle. The line of symmetry is the line that cuts the whole in half (it goes down the middle). The task was to put at least four shapes in each piece of paper, there were three categories which were three sided shapes, four sided shapes and more than four sided shapes. We put the categorised shapes on their own piece of black paper then took a photo. Here is Isabel's Sophie's and mine.
Friday, 3 August 2018
My Reading Profile
This term we had to do a Reading Profile. I did my Reading Profile on a book called Spirit Animals. I enjoyed putting summoned spirit animals as the background. Here it is.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Fraction Art
We have been learning about fractions. We made sea creature out of pieces of fraction. The way we made halves was we cut out a circle then folded it in half and then cut along the line. My jellyfish is made of 1 half and nine 16th s. When we were done the teacher took a picture and we put it on our blog. Here is mine.
Monday, 23 July 2018
Holiday Assignment
Over the holidays we ask to do an assignment about a sentence that describes the setting. We also had to say what book it was from, who the author/authors were, what page it was on and we also had to make an illustration on our sentence. Here is my one.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Spelling Slideshow
We have done a spelling slideshow. We were learning about short and long "a" sounds. We did a screencastify on our spelling slideshow and made sure there was nothing wrong with it. Here it is.
Book Review
This term we made a Book Review. We had to answer some questions in our writing. Here is my screencastify.
Friday, 29 June 2018
CS Lewis
We wrote a slideshow about CS Lewis. We read an Infobyte about him and found out a lot of facts. I did the slideshow with Miro, Blake and Ryan. Here is our slideshow.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Reading Plus Progress
We have been learning to do a Screencastify on how we are doing in our Reading Plus. We had a sheet of questions that we had to answer. I enjoyed answering a lot of the questions because they were interesting to answer.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Pablo Picasso Self portrait
We have been learning to do a self portrait did a self portrait. It is based on some of the work from the famous artist Pablo Picasso. We made a profile and a normal part of the face. Here is my one.
Self Portrait
We have been learning to draw a self portrait. We watched a video where someone showed us how to draw a Self Portrait. We learned where the nose falls, where the mouth falls, and where the eyes fall. They all fall at half way because if you cut the head in half that's where the eyes fall. If you cut it in half again that's where the nose falls. Once more is where the mouth falls. We drew our own in pencil. I hope you like my one.
Friday, 25 May 2018
Paul Beavis
On Friday Paul Beavis came to our school. He showed us how to draw a monster from one of his books then we asked some questions. One question was what inspired him to become an artist/illustrator. Here is my DLO.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Worm Farm
Ryan, Tane, Miro and I made a Screencastify. We have been trying to persuade people to get a worm farm. We had been reading about a worm farm in our Infobytes. Here it is please leave a comment.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
What is blue?
We have been writing a poem. We made a poem about a colour. We had to describe that colour in many different ways.My buddy Tane and I hope you enjoy our poem. Here it is.
What is Blue?
Blue is the sea
blue is the sky
blue is the colour,
of a blueberry pie.
Blue is solid
Swift as the wind
and the smell of
a penguin fin
And in winter when the snow
starts to fall
It is the feeling
of your ice cold hall
Blue is thick and cold as ice
blue becomes the strongest
colour in the rainbow.
Blue is the colour
of a diamond shining
Blue is the colour of distant mountains
Blue is fog blue is a lake
It’s the darkest pen in the box
Blue is the colour of the
skyscraper windows
the colour of a blue whale
Blue is the colour of a glowing lightsaber
Blue is an M&M
Blue is the power
of peacock feathers
Bubbles and moons are blue
Blue is the colour of a fresh picked berry,
from the wet rainforest
Blue is the colour of fresh paint drying
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
We have been working on degrees. We had to make an angle indicator, an angle indicator is a circle that you can use to show different fractions. My buddy Tane and I made a screencastify. Here it is.
Friday, 27 April 2018
descriptive sentence
We had to do a a google drawing with a descriptive sentence on it. We also had to say what book it was from, what page number it was from and who the author is.
Friday, 13 April 2018
We have been learning to write a haiku. We had to do five syllables in the first verse, seven in the second verse, and five in the third verse. Here is my haiku.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Serpent SMA
I have done an sma with Tane. It is about a serpent who makes a lot of destruction around the sea. we have been learning to make the characters move smoother when they are walking around. The serpent even disturbs a cow! Hope you enjoy my slide show.
Hunting and Fishing
Awahono School took part in the Hunting and Fishing Competition. I didn't go to the Competition so I just said what I know about the animals. I liked comparing the animals as the hunter and the people as the victims. We are learning to describe and to use vivid words. We are also using present tense. Here is my writing.
Trudging my way through the wet grass to the Hunting and Fishing Competition, I notice a huge white marquee. I feel furious and angry at the people who took part in the competition. “How would they like it if a fish put a hook through their mouth and then made them suffocate?” I think in my head.
I rush over to the eel, thankful that it is still alive. The water is brown and murky with little pieces of grass and dirt. There are also some bubbles because the eel swishes its tail. There is not much space so I want to take it and put it back in the river. I can’t though because I would get in trouble. The eel is long, maybe a metre long. Its teeth are facing backwards so if it bites something it will be hard for it to get out. Its fins are facing backwards too. That means that it is very streamlined and will go fast in the water. It is black with grey fins and white teeth. Other eels are slimy so I expect that if I touch this eel, it will feel slimy like a wet slimy rock in a still river.
I slowly walk away from the eel, joyful that not everything is dead. I stroll back through the wet grass and leave the Hunting and Fishing Competition behind.
Hunting and Fishing
Trudging my way through the wet grass to the Hunting and Fishing Competition, I notice a huge white marquee. I feel furious and angry at the people who took part in the competition. “How would they like it if a fish put a hook through their mouth and then made them suffocate?” I think in my head.
I rush over to the eel, thankful that it is still alive. The water is brown and murky with little pieces of grass and dirt. There are also some bubbles because the eel swishes its tail. There is not much space so I want to take it and put it back in the river. I can’t though because I would get in trouble. The eel is long, maybe a metre long. Its teeth are facing backwards so if it bites something it will be hard for it to get out. Its fins are facing backwards too. That means that it is very streamlined and will go fast in the water. It is black with grey fins and white teeth. Other eels are slimy so I expect that if I touch this eel, it will feel slimy like a wet slimy rock in a still river.
I slowly walk away from the eel, joyful that not everything is dead. I stroll back through the wet grass and leave the Hunting and Fishing Competition behind.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Serpent Stop Motion Animation
Tane and I made a Stop Motion Animation. The story is based on a serpent which has to solve a lot of tricky problems. This is part one. I hope you like it.
Monday, 19 March 2018
Summer Poem
In room five we have been doing a poem. We had to based on the poem "That was Summer".We could only go up to six verses. Here is mine.
That Was Summer
Remember that time
when you dived into the water,
and felt cool but not cold,
how you felt when you just plunged into black water?
Remember how you touched the bottom of the pool?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when a storm came over,
and you ran inside just as the rain started
and when it stopped you could see how wet everything was?
Remember how you could smell the wet path?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you went to pick berries,
and when you put it in your mouth you could taste the juices inside?
Remember how you looked up and you could see a wasp nest?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you came to the beach,
and saw lots of crabs under the rocks,
and when you jumped in the ocean
the waves sent you right back out?
Remember how you thought to yourself if
you should dive into the waves or the smooth water?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you went camping,
and the campground was very small and
the sand at the beach was burning hot?
Remember how you dived in the sea,
and a giant wave came and squashed you to the ground?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you went for a walk
through the beech forest
down to a lake with a big eel in it?
Remember how on the way back
there was a wasp nest?
That was summer.
Friday, 16 March 2018
The Wasp Nest
My brother bought a wasp nest to school. It was so interesting that we did some writing about it. we found out what it is what the texture was what the size is and lots more. Here is mine.

The wasp nest is made of chewed sawdust. It is a light grey colour and has little bits of grass sticking out. It has of dead wasps and they smell REALLY bad. The wasp nest has a large number of cells like a beehive. The cells were the shape of a hexagon and since it is made of paper it is very, very fragile. When the larvae that are inside the cells grow up they become nasty wasps. The cells are quite tough because they used mud for the cells.
When our dad poisoned the wasp nest he killed the queen. The queen is the wasp that makes the nest and lays wasp larvae. So if you kill the queen you might kill the nest. The worker wasps can make a new queen but if they don’t the nest will DIE. You can recognize the queen because she is bigger than all the other wasps. Still they can have more than one queen at once! The time to try and kill the nest is in spring because that is when they are weakest. My recommended poison is petrol because if you put it at the entrance they will breathe it in and get poisoned and then almost as soon as they breathe it in they will die.
The wasp nest is very, very flaky. Since it is made of paper it is very delicate. The entrance is a very small hole in the wasp nest but you can’t see though it very well. The hole is how the wasps get in. The wasp nest is also very small. Since my brother brought in a wasp nest we found out all this data about it and it was very interesting!
Swimming Sports
Awahono School took part in Swimming Sports. We had to do a bit of writing about swimming sports, as if we were there at the time. We had to use present tense and we had to put in some sensations too. Here is my piece of writing.
I have just come into the swimming pool and sat down on the bench. We get introduced to all the teachers. The first line of people line up for freestyle, and then SLAP the race starts everyone dives in and are speeding to the other side. Swimming, still swimming, swimming and then someone touches the wall. They all step out, looking tired. Then comes one length breaststroke, SLAP everyone dives in the pool, and then my brother wins the race of breaststroke. Then it's backstroke, there are a lot of people from Awahono School in this race, I cheer on Awahono School. “GO AWAHONO SCHOOL!”. Many races go past, two lengths backstroke, breaststroke, and two lengths freestyle, three lengths, four lengths, and even five lengths, Then it is lunch time. I look down at my arm, disappointed I am only in underwater swim.
I just play on the playground. When we go back into the swimming pool it’s my turn. I line up on the wall. I feel so much pressure on myself. Then I hear slap. “OH NO!” I am not ready I hopefully dive into the pool, swimming with my breath held. I am catching up, I am relieved to see others popping up before me. I can hear the sound of water sloshing in my ear. I feel determined to win. This is now getting uncomfortable for my lungs but I push on. Will I make it? I am now not far behind. “YES!” my opponent pops up, about a metre from the end of the pool. I beat him, but now I want to get to the end of the pool. It feels so uncomfortable. I am about to faint. My, it feels like my lungs are going to explode. I am about to pass out but then I make it! I win my race. I have completed my goal. “YAAAAAAAAAAY!” I shout in joy.
P.S I didn’t make it into the swimming sports because I was only in one thing which was under water swim.
Friday, 9 March 2018
In Room five we have been doing a DLO or slideshow about wasps. We have done this because my brother brought a poisoned wasp nest to school. This DLO was made to say why people don't like wasps. We can choose a few of these DLOs to do. Here is one.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Successful Learning
In room five we have been doing a slide show about successful learning. We each did an individual slide and wrote words that will make us successful learners if we did them.
Friday, 23 February 2018
My Book Review
In room five we have been learning how to do a book review. We had to say who our favourite author is, what our book is, what happens and lots more. Here is my book review.
Friday, 16 February 2018
All About Me
We have been doing a slide show about ourselves. We each had an individual slide and we had to write what we liked, how many pets we have, how many brother/sisters we have, and lots more. Here is my individual slide.
Statistical Investigation
In room 5 we have been learning to do a statistical investigation and my group chose to do star jumps for a minute. We recorded how many star jumps we did, and then put them on a stem and leaf graph. For the final stage we put it on a slideshow or drawing. Here is mine.
Friday, 9 February 2018
Jumping On The Spot
We are learning how to do a statistical investigation and how to draw a stem and leaf graph. Recently Room 5 did jumping up and down for a minute. We recorded what we did on a stem and leaf graph. Next we put a stem and leaf graph and the range on our chrome books and wrote about how we collected the data, how we displayed the data and wrote a summary about it.
Friday, 2 February 2018
My Reading Profile
We made a Reading Profile and made a drawing about it. We did all sorts of things about reading, some of which were what our favourite topics are and our reading goals this term.
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