Thursday 30 August 2018

Plastic Bottle Mountain

We are learning to describe. We were given  a photo of a gigantic pile of bottles. We had to describe what it would be like if we were one of the few people cleaning up the bottles. We had to make sure we were using present tense, using senses including: sights, sound, taste, smells, feeling, sensations. Still we had to make sure we extended our sentences to add more detail. Here is my writing and the picture.

Plastic Bottle Mountain

I look around the mountain of plastic and feel pressured into cleaning up the bottles because our family needs the money. My sister is stumbling around the garbage patch as I pick up a rather large bottle and put in the basket. My mother is cutting off the labels of of the hundreds of bottles. I start to stand up to go to another area of bottle mayhem. I can hear people strolling by behind me but no one is stopping to help.  Gigantic plastic bags are perched behind me and I feel like  they are about to topple onto me. There is something like a bike behind the bags, but it looks like it only has one wheel. There is a old bridge overhead  with old clothes and chains hanging from it. I feel like the rusty chains are about to fall on me trapping me next to the worst smelling bottles ever. 

As I look around  I feel outraged that people just threw their plastic bottles out the window of their car when they don’t want anymore. Still, even worse, they leave us to clean it up. Does humanity even care about the world? Now I know why people are going into space they're trying to find a new planet because they trashed this one.

Reader, even you can help change our plastic problem. The problem is all the people who want to save our planet are just a one man army, but if we combine we can make a difference. If we don’t do something soon then our planet will become known as the big ball of plastic. Next we would all be baked from global warming and then all life on earth will become extinct.


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  2. Hi Solly, your description of the plastic bottle mountain really makes it sound as if the plastic problem is out of control. "Mayhem" is a great word to describe the problem and it sounds like the narrator is about to be buried under plastic when you say "they are about to topple onto me".
    Maybe by writing this you will help people who read it to understand the problem and they will do something to make a difference.
    Mrs Idle


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