Friday 22 March 2019


We have been lucky enough to have 2 rabbits come into our classroom. We had to try and make them an obstacle course. We go into groups to make them, my group consisted of 3 people Sophie, Tahlia and Me. We made three different structures which were: some jumps, a gigantic tunnel and a little den with food in it. 

The colour of the tunnel was green, brown and black. It was just made of 3 cardboard boxes taped together. before we put it in with the rabbits we put hay in it so it would look nicer to them.

Another thing that we made was some jumps. For the first one we got two toilet roles and stuck a cub ab stick through them so it would stay up for the rabbits to jump. For the second jump we used four plastic cups, a cub ab stick and some stones. We taped the 2 plastic cups together then stuck the cub ab stick through them, and for the final step we put some stones in the cups so they wouldn't fall over when the rabbits jumped over them.

The final thing we made was a place for them to hide in. We cut a door out of a cardboard box and pined it back then put some food in it. and that all we did for the house.

If you could make rabbit structures what would they be like?