Friday 27 July 2018

Fraction Art

We have been learning about fractions. We made sea creature out of pieces of fraction. The way we made halves was we cut out a circle then folded it in half and then cut along the line. My jellyfish is made of 1 half and nine 16th s. When we were done the teacher took a picture and we put it on our blog. Here is mine.

Monday 23 July 2018

Holiday Assignment

Over the holidays we ask to do an assignment about a sentence that describes the setting. We also had to say what book it was from, who the author/authors were, what page it was on and we also had to make an illustration on our sentence. Here is my one.

Friday 6 July 2018

Spelling Slideshow

We have done a spelling slideshow. We were learning  about short and long "a" sounds. We did a screencastify on our spelling slideshow and made sure there was nothing wrong with it. Here it is.

Book Review

This term we made a Book Review. We had to answer some questions in  our writing.  Here is my screencastify.