Tuesday 11 May 2021


 The Pangox is a made up creature. It is a fox and a Pangolin combined. For one of our writing task I wrote all about this creature form fantasy.


The Fox is a fast quick and fierce predator, and the Pangolin is a strong defensive and calm herbivore. What would happen if they combined…?


The Panox has a striking appearance.The Pangox has the head of a Fox but the scales of a pangolin. With the legs of a fox and the legs of a fox but the defence of a pangolin this creature could hunt with extreme confidence. The tail is just as scaly as it’s back. The scales are a dusty colour like the sand of the Sahara or the dry grass of Africa. The fur found on it’s head and legs is a lush orange and white. This hybrid is as tall as a couch and as long as a chair. The Pangox blends in well with its surroundings.


The Pangox faces many problems with its diet. Because it has the head of a predator (fox) but the digestive system of a herbivore (Pangolin). In order to be able to digest its food it must. Eat meat one day and then eats vegetation another, (for short it is a omnivore). The pangox is always one the watch, not because of predators but because it needs to spot prey, when its eating vegetation it’s never looking for predators because if something does try to attack it it can just curl into a ball and be safe(the strength of a Pangolins scales are strong enough to withstand a lions bite).


The pangox lives in only one specific habitat. Because the Pangox is part fox it makes a den, and the best place for it to make a den is in savannas and grass lands. It lives in places with very long grass so it’s easier to sneak up on its prey. The Pangox doesn’t like the cold so it stays in warm places.


In conclusions the Pangox is a Pangolin mixed with a fox, it has the head and legs of a fox but the scales back and tail of a Pangolin. It is an omnivore and lives in grasslands.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool idea Solly! I'd like to see you draw a sketch of this awesome sounding animal.


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