Monday 19 March 2018

Summer Poem

In room five we have been doing a poem. We had to based on the poem "That was Summer".We could only go up to six verses. Here is mine.

That Was Summer
Remember that time
when you dived into the water,
and felt cool but not cold,
how  you felt when you just plunged into  black water?
Remember how you touched the bottom of the pool?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when a storm came over,
and you ran inside just as the rain started
and when it stopped you could see how wet everything was?
Remember how you could smell the wet path?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you went to pick berries,
and when you put it in your mouth you could taste the juices inside?
Remember how you looked up and you could see a wasp nest?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you came to the beach,
and saw  lots of crabs under the rocks,
and when you jumped in the ocean
the waves sent you right back out?
Remember how you thought to yourself if  
you should dive into the waves or the smooth water?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you went camping,
and the campground was very small and
the sand at the beach was burning hot?
Remember how  you dived in the sea,
and a giant wave came and squashed you to the ground?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you went for a walk
through the beech forest
down to a lake with a big eel in it?
Remember how on the way back
there was a wasp nest?
That was summer.


  1. I like how you described every sentence with lots of detail. It must have been really fun jumping into the salt water at the beach.

  2. I like the part about the crabs and the ocean, definitely helps me visualize summer :-)


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