Friday 16 March 2018

Swimming Sports

Awahono School took part in Swimming Sports. We had to do a bit of writing  about swimming sports, as if we were there at the time. We had to use present tense and we had to put in some sensations too. Here is my piece of writing.

I have just come into the swimming pool and sat down on the bench. We get  introduced to all the teachers. The first line of people line up for freestyle, and then SLAP the race starts everyone dives in and are speeding to the other side. Swimming, still swimming, swimming and then someone touches the wall. They all step out, looking tired.  Then comes one length breaststroke, SLAP everyone dives in the pool, and then my brother wins the race of breaststroke. Then it's backstroke, there are a lot of people from Awahono School in this race, I cheer on Awahono School. “GO AWAHONO SCHOOL!”. Many races go past, two lengths backstroke, breaststroke, and two lengths freestyle, three lengths, four lengths,  and even five lengths, Then it is lunch time. I look down at my arm, disappointed I am only in underwater swim.

I just play on the playground. When we go back into the swimming pool it’s my turn. I line up on the wall.  I feel so much pressure on myself. Then I hear slap. “OH NO!” I am not ready I hopefully dive into the pool, swimming with my breath held. I am catching up, I am relieved to see others popping up before me. I can hear the sound of water sloshing in my ear. I feel determined to win. This is now getting uncomfortable for my lungs but I push on. Will I make it? I am now not far behind. “YES!” my opponent pops up, about a metre from the end of the pool. I beat him, but now I want to get to the end of the  pool. It feels so uncomfortable. I am about to faint. My, it feels like my lungs are going to explode. I am about to pass out but then I make it! I win my race. I have completed my goal. “YAAAAAAAAAAY!” I shout in joy.

P.S I didn’t make it into the swimming sports because I was only in one thing which was under water swim.

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