Thursday 16 April 2020

Theme park

On of our writing prompts is to write a letter to the local community to allow a theme park.

Dear local community

I have got permission to build a big theme park nearby and I would like for you to please approve it before I begin. Here are some reasons why.

It would be a great attraction for nearby and also for the kids. It would improve the morale of our town massively and it would carry itself in budget once it got running. On the note, it would get going fast because everyone would be excited and try it out rather quickly.

For my next reason it would bring more jobs to the area. More unemployed people would become employed. Also more people would travel to become employed meaning that you can sell more houses.

I hope this has persuaded you to allow a theme park.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Solly,

    How cool would it be to have a theme park here on the coast? I would love it!! Who would pay for this new theme park? Where on the West Coast would it be? What sort of rides would there be?

    Thanks for sharing your work.


    Mrs B.


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