I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Serpent Stop Motion Animation
Tane and I made a Stop Motion Animation. The story is based on a serpent which has to solve a lot of tricky problems. This is part one. I hope you like it.
Monday, 19 March 2018
Summer Poem
In room five we have been doing a poem. We had to based on the poem "That was Summer".We could only go up to six verses. Here is mine.
That Was Summer
Remember that time
when you dived into the water,
and felt cool but not cold,
how you felt when you just plunged into black water?
Remember how you touched the bottom of the pool?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when a storm came over,
and you ran inside just as the rain started
and when it stopped you could see how wet everything was?
Remember how you could smell the wet path?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you went to pick berries,
and when you put it in your mouth you could taste the juices inside?
Remember how you looked up and you could see a wasp nest?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you came to the beach,
and saw lots of crabs under the rocks,
and when you jumped in the ocean
the waves sent you right back out?
Remember how you thought to yourself if
you should dive into the waves or the smooth water?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you went camping,
and the campground was very small and
the sand at the beach was burning hot?
Remember how you dived in the sea,
and a giant wave came and squashed you to the ground?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you went for a walk
through the beech forest
down to a lake with a big eel in it?
Remember how on the way back
there was a wasp nest?
That was summer.
Friday, 16 March 2018
The Wasp Nest
My brother bought a wasp nest to school. It was so interesting that we did some writing about it. we found out what it is what the texture was what the size is and lots more. Here is mine.

The wasp nest is made of chewed sawdust. It is a light grey colour and has little bits of grass sticking out. It has of dead wasps and they smell REALLY bad. The wasp nest has a large number of cells like a beehive. The cells were the shape of a hexagon and since it is made of paper it is very, very fragile. When the larvae that are inside the cells grow up they become nasty wasps. The cells are quite tough because they used mud for the cells.
When our dad poisoned the wasp nest he killed the queen. The queen is the wasp that makes the nest and lays wasp larvae. So if you kill the queen you might kill the nest. The worker wasps can make a new queen but if they don’t the nest will DIE. You can recognize the queen because she is bigger than all the other wasps. Still they can have more than one queen at once! The time to try and kill the nest is in spring because that is when they are weakest. My recommended poison is petrol because if you put it at the entrance they will breathe it in and get poisoned and then almost as soon as they breathe it in they will die.
The wasp nest is very, very flaky. Since it is made of paper it is very delicate. The entrance is a very small hole in the wasp nest but you can’t see though it very well. The hole is how the wasps get in. The wasp nest is also very small. Since my brother brought in a wasp nest we found out all this data about it and it was very interesting!
Swimming Sports
Awahono School took part in Swimming Sports. We had to do a bit of writing about swimming sports, as if we were there at the time. We had to use present tense and we had to put in some sensations too. Here is my piece of writing.
I have just come into the swimming pool and sat down on the bench. We get introduced to all the teachers. The first line of people line up for freestyle, and then SLAP the race starts everyone dives in and are speeding to the other side. Swimming, still swimming, swimming and then someone touches the wall. They all step out, looking tired. Then comes one length breaststroke, SLAP everyone dives in the pool, and then my brother wins the race of breaststroke. Then it's backstroke, there are a lot of people from Awahono School in this race, I cheer on Awahono School. “GO AWAHONO SCHOOL!”. Many races go past, two lengths backstroke, breaststroke, and two lengths freestyle, three lengths, four lengths, and even five lengths, Then it is lunch time. I look down at my arm, disappointed I am only in underwater swim.
I just play on the playground. When we go back into the swimming pool it’s my turn. I line up on the wall. I feel so much pressure on myself. Then I hear slap. “OH NO!” I am not ready I hopefully dive into the pool, swimming with my breath held. I am catching up, I am relieved to see others popping up before me. I can hear the sound of water sloshing in my ear. I feel determined to win. This is now getting uncomfortable for my lungs but I push on. Will I make it? I am now not far behind. “YES!” my opponent pops up, about a metre from the end of the pool. I beat him, but now I want to get to the end of the pool. It feels so uncomfortable. I am about to faint. My, it feels like my lungs are going to explode. I am about to pass out but then I make it! I win my race. I have completed my goal. “YAAAAAAAAAAY!” I shout in joy.
P.S I didn’t make it into the swimming sports because I was only in one thing which was under water swim.
Friday, 9 March 2018
In Room five we have been doing a DLO or slideshow about wasps. We have done this because my brother brought a poisoned wasp nest to school. This DLO was made to say why people don't like wasps. We can choose a few of these DLOs to do. Here is one.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Successful Learning
In room five we have been doing a slide show about successful learning. We each did an individual slide and wrote words that will make us successful learners if we did them.
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