Friday, 21 August 2020

Speech Board

 I competed in the Speech Board Competition! My speech was about vegetarians I had three different paragraphs, in those paragraphs I went over what is it like to be a vegetarian, what vegetarians are and why you should be one. Here is my writing.

This speech is sponsored by potatoes. Many people have heard of vegetarians. Many people haven't, if you are one of the people who haven't then you're in for some information because that is the topic of my speech.

Vege-ter-ians what are they? Vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat and don’t harm animals. Strict vegetarians are vegans which means they don’t eat dairy and eggs, regular vegetarian just don’t eat meat. Most vegetarians also care about nature and trees because they don’t want to harm the animals like I said earlier. 

Some people might be wondering what it is like to be a vegetarian. I think it’s great to be a vegetarian. I’ve  been one all my life; I have never ever eaten a piece of meat! Some people might find it difficult at first, but I think it's worth it because it keeps you healthy. You can make up for the things you are missing from meat like iron which you can get from sesame seeds, although 2 of the highest sources of iron are black beans and red beans you also need protein which you can get from tofu and beans That’s right you can get BOTH iron and protein from beans!  Some people think you won’t be strong enough if you don’t eat meat, but did you know that famous tennis player Venus Williams is a vegetarian, along with several body building champions!

 I also  think it’s harsh on animals to eat them and some might say it’s just the circle of life but  we eat so much of it and we should really cut down on it. I mean 315 million tons of meat are consumed every year by the human population!  Another fact is that Because of global warming our planet is heating but if you eat like a vegetarian then you produce less green house gases.

My next paragraph is persuasive, I am going to try to convince you to at least try being a vegetarian, the first reason is because it keeps you healthy. You don’t consume any of the bad meats such as red meats which causes bowel cancer. Also did you know an oxford study shows that on average a vegetarian out lives a meat eater by around 6 years?Like sometimes it feels like this is how much some people care about animals. For my final reason, you might just like being a vegetarian. It might just be a fun project that you try for a week then go back. Did you know tht 31 percent of NZ people are reducing their meat intake, and 3 percent are already vegetarians .  

1 comment:

  1. Great speech Solly, really proud of the way you worked on this! You're an excellent speaker. 🥕🍉🥔 -Erin


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